The time appears to go really slow
I'm now, 4 weeks away to my plane trip and it's one of the things I mostly think about. I try to be strong, I try to live my new life and leave these sad thoughts behind. Each night it gets harder to sleep.
But in the mornings I wake up and I face the day as I have to. I study hard and harder to be one of the best, I work out really hard thinking that it can get me to a better life. Although it gets hard to swim, cycle and run in my own thoughts and with only my brother to share it, the conversations start to make no sense.
Anyway I've been facing the cold and leaving home at 19pm, with -2°C to run, alone in the darkness of an unknown world.
Yesterday I spent 3 hours, studying swedish, so I can maybe get into this country's culture and say that I know it and I like it!
I've missed my family a lot, more than ever... They have been great, I speak to my grandparents and cousins every day, and I can surely tell you that it's always the best moment of my life.
I hope it's not too boring to you, once I'm sharing my feelings with you about this big experience.